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Socket 7 Motherboards

Some call them Pentium 1 motherboards

Yes they are still available

Intel came out with their Pentium CPU in the 1990's and the supporting socket on the motherboards was called socket 5. When Intel came up with it's smaller size square looking Pentium CPU's, the socket was upgraded to socket 7. Intel was not the only company selling CPU's for the socket 7 motherboards - AMD and Cyrix were also jostling for position.socket 7 motherboard, pentium 1 motherboard,

When Intel moved over to the slot 1 processors, AMD kept making higher speed CPU's for the socket 7 motherboard platform. The highest speed AMD processor for socket 7 motherboards was 550MHz and the slowest was 75MHz.

Socket 7 motherboards came in various form factors:

  • AT
  • Baby AT
  • LPX
  • ATX
  • Micro ATX

The early generation socket 7 motherboards only had PCI and ISA slots. The later generations sported an AGP slot, more PCI and fewer ISA slots. Later on, manufacturers totally discarded ISA slots and just had an AGP slot and the rest as PCI slots.

Though Socket 7 motherboards have long been forgotten by the general populace, certain applications that were introduced in the 1990's and still being used will only run on socket 7 motherboards and will not run on newer faster configurations.

People with such legacy applications are generally in a bind as nobody makes these legacy motherboards anymore. In fact these pentium 1 motherboards as some call them haven't been made in over 15 years. So what to do if you have applications that will only run on such legacy motherboards?legacy motherboard, socket 7 motherboard,isa slots,

That's where companies like interloper.com come to the rescue. They scour the country for such legacy parts and when they find them, they test, repair and stock them. They are a life saver for companies who run processes off of such computers that require socket 7 motherboards. Many of these applications require ISA slots as their SBC or specialty controller cards will only run on 16 bit ISA slots.

If you need a socket 7 motherboard with ISA slots, the best thing is to contact interloper.com or use their motherboard search engine at https://www.interloper.com/mbsearch.php


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